So if you saw our stories last Saturday you know that this week for us is elderflower week! 🌺We made homemade syrup and decided to share the recipe with you! ( And a little silly comics of course! ) This is a very old family tradition that I grew up with as a child. And lately I rediscovered how cool, delicious and cheap it can be as a beverage alternative. I have to admit I used to drink a lot of packaged juices in my 20s, until I realized what I put in my body ( preservatives, artificial flavors, corn syrup ). And not to mention the packaging that you have to deal with afterwards… And then I started drinking fresh juices, but that can be quite expensive and time consuming… So if you have elderflower plants where you live and they are blooming, we highly recommend you try this fun recipe. ( Yes, it does contain a lot of sugar as well, but at least you know exactly how much and you have the freedom to choose a syrup/water ratio that works best for you. Also there is always the option to dry the flowers and make iced tea with honey instead. 😉 ) If you give it a go, make sure to tag us, so we can see you and enjoy the elderflower freshness together. 💚🌿🍋🍹

UPDATE: So we’ve been doing this recipe in our family for many, many years and have never had a problem. But Sophia just informed me that sometimes there might be yeast on the flowers which is perfectly harmless but they can start a fermentation process. This can cause the bottles to explode, which has apparently happened to few people and sounds horrible. However bringing the syrup to boil makes that impossible! So as it is not a difficult step ( you put my flowers directly into a big pot anyway, so you really just have to put it on the stove for a few minutes ) why not do it to be on the safe side. 😉 Thank you, @sophia_schafhuber for sharing that useful knowledge with us!
