Oh, deer

Do you know what other exciting initiative is happening at the moment – @slowfashionseason 2020!  The fashion industry is responsible for enormous amounts of water consumption (32 million Olympic size swimming pools per year) and CO2 emissions (8% of global greenhouse emissions – and growing fast). Textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally and the industry’s enormous waste creation is projected to be 148 million tons by 2030, covering 115 million hectares. The good news is that as a consumer, we have the power to change this for the better by making conscious fashion choices, like:
✔️Avoid buying from fast fashion brands
✔️Trade, upcycle or DIY clothing, 
✔️Buy second-hand and vintage
✔️Support sustainable, local, small fashion labels who may be struggling due to COVID-19

Even though this collective action officially started on the 21st June, the team has decided to keep it open during the Season, so anyone can join until the 21st of September. You start your three months the moment you sign up – https://bit.ly/3guP8WC

Can you imagine buying clothes not just for fun, but as lifetime investment and commitment?
