Hello, friends! I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve had a pretty tough week. Dealing with loss, difficult decisions, stress… And generally facing the hard truths of this new reality we seem to be living in… Is it just me or has the world gone mad?

But as you know I always try to focus on the positive, even when things are super gloomy. So I thought to myself “What’s the one thing that centers you, calms you and makes you straighten up your priorities?” And of course the answer came pretty fast – time spent in nature! I consider it such luxury, especially now in this time of lock downs, to be able to get away from the city from time to time and breathe the clean mountain air.

So I made this illustration to calm myself and share my love for the beautiful Bulgarian nature with you. ( swipe for some landscapes from our last adventure ) It is also my entry for the #CharacterDesignChallenge this month ( the theme is #FoxAdventurer )

Does your mood improve when you spend time in nature or is it just me? 🌿🍂🍁
