“If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world. We all have a part to play in this – 3.3 billion tonnes of CO2e greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere every year as a result of food being wasted globally. On average, an Australian household wastes one in five grocery bags of food and in the UK households waste 4.5 million tonnes of food each year. So this issue isn’t just costing the planet, it’s costing us too!”

A good way to deal with this problem at home is to create an “Eat me first” box in your fridge. How does it work? You simply remind everyone in your household to put items that are close to its used-by-date or at the end of its shelf life in this box and eat it first! It’s also like having your very own cooking adviser and specialist, that helps you decide what to cook.😁 Do you have one in your kitchen?

If you’re passionate about this topic, it’s also not too late to sign up now for the #FoodWasteFreeOctober challenge by @1millionwomen . Each week of October, their hand picked, food loving pro chefs share 3 of their own delicious zero waste recipes to help us all stop food waste in the kitchen. I’m personally very excited to be a part of it! 🥗🍲🍜
